Time & Location
19 Apr 2019, 01:00
Location is TBD
About the event
Registration is now open (Jan. 1st - Mar. 19th 2019). Please sign up to receive Let's Write! updates.
Let’s Write! is a creative writing contest for children, open to all school children in the Czech Republic. Our goal is to encourage young writers to explore their creative writing skills in the English language. Our goal is to encourage young writers to explore their creative writing skills in the English language.
In 2019 the Czech Republic celebrates 30 years from Velvet Revolution. Let’s celebrate together! This year’s themes are inspired by Václav Havel - first democratic president after the Fall of Communism. Read this year’s THEMES.
All entries must be uploaded onto the website www.LetsWrite.cz by 23:59 March 19th.
For more information, themes and "how to's", please visit www.LetsWrite.cz. Event is free of charge.
Important dates:
Story submission date: all entries must be uploaded onto the website www.LetsWrite.cz by 23:59 March 19th 2019.
Award Ceremony: May 19th 2019 at Václav Havel Library, Prague
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